Wednesday, July 25, 2007

1- Ref photos for WWA

A melange of photos from the Royal Henley Regatta 2007.
Boats, competitors and people.
You are welcome to use these pictures for paintings.
Click on the image to see an enlargement - then copy it to your computer.
Have fun! Steve.

The Blues and Whites

Three men and a Cox

Rower and Cox

Hard Rowing

"The Solomon" Thames barge
A nice backdrop of interesting boathouses behind the barge.

2 - Ref photos for WWA

Click to enlarge

Oar Splash.

Oars on deck.
I thought this was rather colourful but there was a chap blocking my view. He turned out to be another artist getting a photo for a painting and we had a nice chat.

Crossing the bridge
Parasol and footwear attracted my eye here.

Blade s

3 - Ref photos for WWA

Click to enlarge

"Henley - the Defining Moment"
- just a passing shower! Pims or Champagne? Better than watching the racing anyway!

"Its over!"

Leaving the pontoon.

4 - Ref photos for WWA

Click to enlarge

"Boat Overhead!"

More Concentration

"Having a Jolly Pims Time"
Folk by the Angel Hotel.

Four rowers

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Operator Error?

Letter in paper this week:

Sir - I recently attended N***e hospital for a pre-operation assessment. Imagine my horror on passing reception and seeing a poster declaring "Thieves operate in this area".
I had rather hoped to have a surgeon operate.
Yours etc.

Next day follow-up letter:

Sir - N***e hospital is fortunate to have thieves operating. At my local hospital is the notice "Guard dogs operate here".
Yours etc.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Stop talking to yourself

Dear Sir,
grumble, grumble
I remain
Yours etc.
Digsusted of Tonbridge Wells.